• Faq
  • Q1: How to order?

    A: 1.  please send your inquiry and requirements to our company email address at: [email protected].

    2. Our salesman will contact you within 12 hours. Once we reach an agreement on price, package, leadtime, etc, our salesman will make you a Proforma Invoice for your confirmation and payment. We will arrange shipment upon receiving full payment.


    Q2: How to pay?
    A: 1. T/T (Telegraphic Transfer): cheapest bank fee

        2.West Union: fastest, convenient

        3.Paypal:easy, fastest,cheapest transfer fee


    Q3: How to ship?
    A: 1. After received full payment, we will send out the goods within the deadline which both parties agreed (usually with 7-15 days).
    2. Good cooperated with express, such as: DHL, UPS, FEDEX, TNT and EMS, and can get good discount from them. Also if buyers provide us effective account, buyers could pay transportation fee by themselves.

    Q4: How can you guarantee my goods?
    A:  We do our best to serve our each customer the best that we can. We provide 12 months maintenance warranties, item can be maintained for the first year.
    a  For domestic purchase, we can provide door to door service.
     With regards the foreign purchase, we can provide tenichical support and you can return the item back to china for repair. Buyers are only responsible for the return shipping fees for warranty item.


    Q5: what kind of Supports can you provide

    A:   We can provide the following supports

    a.      Installation

    b.     Training

    c.      Trouble Shooting

    d.     Maintenance 


    Q6:  How do you package the test equipment I order?

    A:    Export-compliant wooden box packaging


    Q7:  Maintenance and repair of equipment?

    A:  For after-sales maintenance problems, our maintenance service process:

    1.   Problem collection:  Our company has received feedback from customers that there is a problem with the equipment, and try to collect it comprehensively. -24-hour response

    2.   Maintenance diagnosis:  The technology puts forward maintenance solutions according to the provided problem diagnosis. -48 hours to respond

    3.   Maintenance:

    a.   If the spare parts are not replaced, provide free technical support and online video guidance to complete the maintenance.

    b.   The replacement of the spare parts:

    During the warranty period:  Due to equipment quality problems, our company will provide them free of charge, and your company will pay the courier fee. Outside the warranty period: It will be sold at the fixed price of spare parts of the company and delivered to your company by express delivery.

    After receiving the spare parts, we will guide you to complete the maintenance.